2012年10月8日 星期一

7th Aug 2012 HelloTXT will be closing down operations.

7th Aug 2012 #HelloTXT will be #closing down operations.
是真的... #悲哀 啊~..~
#SHIT #HelloTxt #爛掉了 ...
Follow @taglife in Twitter from Taiwan.

A Special Announcement


All good things must come to an end, and that time has come for HelloTXT.
We regret to inform the community that effective 7th Aug 2012 HelloTXT will be closing down operations.

As of 7th Aug 2012 , the community will be disbanded. Access to the Web, WAP site and Apps will be terminated. In advance of the closure, we encourage you to log into your account and collect any information or contacts you will need.

We've immensely enjoyed the journey of the last 4 years as we've watched HelloTXT community grow and change. We sincerely thank you for all of the input and feedback you've provided us through the years!

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I still be able to access my profile?

After August 07th, 2012 all profiles will be terminated, so you will not be able to access your account or any profile information.

I'm really upset about this and I want you to know about it!

We understand your concern and this has been a hard decision for us as well. Feel free to share your feedbacks with us via our Corporate Website.

Thanks again to all,

The Hellotxt team

2012年5月28日 星期一

悲劇了... Hellotxt 不能連 Blogger -..-

悲劇了... Hellotxt 不能連 Blogger -..-

The Ping.fm (Seesmic Ping) tragedy in 2012/05/25 ...
Social Networking Services is all nothing ...

死了:Plurk, Multiply, Blogger
活了:Plerb, LiveJournal, WordPress(解決亂碼)

請轉戰 WordPress 或 LiveJournal ...
ca95 分散實驗室 - https://ca95.wordpress.com
用Tag寫人生 - Tag Life - http://taglife.livejournal.com

2012年5月24日 星期四

#NBA #湖人 5個 #主將 都是 #明星 ,會打輸應該跟 #攻守轉換 #緩慢 有關吧! #回防 #慢半拍 , #進攻 #方式 又過於 #呆板 。
蚵一顆1元, #蚵仔煎 7顆要60元 ...
#吳敦 #刺陵 #票房 竟然比 #功夫灌籃 差... #慘賠 是因為 #林志玲 的關係嗎?!
#無照駕駛 又 #闖紅燈 撞死人,跟 #酒駕 一樣,真應該 #五馬分屍 , #梟首 #開腸剖肚 掛在 #總統府 前面...
#test test . #twitter #帳號 被 po 了一篇非本人文章...

2012年5月22日 星期二

#friendfeed.com 用了 #無效 的 #安全憑證 。 #憑證 已於 2012/05/22 03:53 #過期 。( #錯誤碼 : #sec_error_expired_certificate )
#湖人 第4節被 #KO #打爆 了 ,Kobe Bryant 得42分也沒用 #Lakers #byebye ~..~
#NBA 今天看 #湖人 在客場對 #雷霆 ,我看 #凶多吉少 ... #Kobe Bryant 不行了,有2個7呎長人也難打。